LevelIBO ClassAbbreviationAgeEquipmentCommentsStake ColorMax Yd
Level One — Non-Competitive ClassFuture BowhunterFBH8 and underFBH is a class for male or female archers 8 years of age and younger. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights or style of release. The maximum shooting distance is 15 yards (13.72 meters) FBH is a non-competitive class designed to encourage children to learn to shoot a bow and, consequently, awards should be random and based on participation only. It is suggested that host clubs announce a scheduled starting time, with all archers present to begin at one time. Set a 10-target range for this class only. The range may be in an open field with shooting stakes in a straight line and targets at unknown distances up to 15 yards.Male or femaleNeon Pink15
Level Two — Youth Competitive Classes GenesisGENGrades 4-12This class is for archers in NASP® eligible grades 4-12 using the same equipment rules as required for all NASP® events using the unmodified original Genesis bow and NASP® Easton arrows. GEN archers will shoot from the silver stake.Male or femaleNeon Pink15
CubCUBMale 9-11, Female 9-12CUB is the class for male archers 9-11 years old or female archers 9 to 12 years old. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. CUB archers will shoot from the white stake.Male or femaleWhite25
Youth HunterYH12-17Youth Hunter is an optional class for archers 12 to 17 years old. Archers in this class will use the same equipment as those shooting in the Hunter Class (HC). A maximum speed of 260 fps with a 3% variance will be allowed in the Youth Hunter Class. YH archers will shoot from the orange stake. PLEASE REFER TO HC STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENT.Male or femaleOrange30
Youth Release Ages 12-14YMR 12-1412-14YMR 12-14 is for archers 12 to 14 years old. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. YMR 12-14 archers will shoot from the yellow stake.Male or femaleYellow35
Youth Release Ages 15-17YMR 15-1715-17YMR 15-17 is for archers 15 to 17 years old. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. YMR 15-17 archers will shoot from the red stake.Male or femaleRed40
Female YouthFY13-17FY is for female archers 13 to 17 years old. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. FY archers will shoot from the orange stake.FemaleOrange30
Level Three — Entry-Level Adult ClassesHunter ClassHCAdultA compound, recurve, or longbow shot with or without sights. A sight shall have fixed pins, crosshair, or circle-style pins without lens or magnification. If circle-style pins are used, all circles must be the same size. A sight may have a rear aperture (i.e., peep sight or fixed rifle-type sight). Sights may not be adjusted after entering the shooting course. Arrows must have screw-in points and at least three (3) feathers or vanes no less than two (2) inches long (measured minimum 1.75 inches). Stabilizers, Vbars, counterbalances, or weighted attachments may be attached to the bow as long as these items do not extend more than 12 inches from each point of attachment. (For the purposes of this rule, any device adding length or weight to the stabilizer shall be considered part of the stabilizer and shall be subject to the 12-inch rule.) Un-weighted vibration dampeners are not considered to be stabilizers; however, un-weighted vibration dampeners attached to the stabilizer are measured as a part of the stabilizer and are subject to the 12-inch rule above. Equipment in this class may be shot with a finger tab, shooting glove, or release. HC archers shoot from the yellow stake.Yellow35
Female Hunter ClassFHCAdultArchers in this female-only class must use the same equipment as the Hunter Class (HC). FHC archers will shoot from the orange stake. PLEASE REFER TO HC STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENTFemaleOrange30
Beginner Bowhunter OpenBBOAdultA compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. BBO archers will shoot from the red stake.Red40
Level Four — Advanced Amateur ClassesHunter FingersHFAdultArchers in this class will use the same equipment as those shooting in the Advanced Hunter Class (AHC) except that a release aid may not be used and the bow must be shot with fingers directly contacting the bowstring using a glove, finger tab, or bare fingers. HF archers will shoot from the yellow stake. PLEASE REFER TO AHC STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENTYellow35
Master HunterMHC60 and olderThis is an optional class for archers 60 years or older. Archers in this class will use the same equipment as those shooting in the Advanced Hunter Class (AHC). MHC archers will shoot from the yellow stake. PLEASE REFER TO AHC STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENTYellow35
Senior Female HunterSFHC50 and olderThis is an optional class for female archers 50 years or older. Archers in this class will use the same equipment as those shooting in the Advanced Hunter Class (AHC). SFHC archers will shoot from the orange stake. PLEASE REFER TO AHC STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENTFemaleOrange30
Senior HunterSHC50 and olderThis is an optional class for archers 50 years or older. Archers in this class will use the same equipment as those shooting in the Advanced Hunter Class (AHC). SHC archers will shoot from the yellow stake. PLEASE REFER TO AHC STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENTYellow35
Male Bowhunter OpenMBOAdultA compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. MBO archers will shoot from the green stake.MaleGreen45
Female Bowhunter OpenFBOAdultA compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. FBO archers will shoot from the red stake.FemaleRed40
Bowhunter ReleaseMBRAdultA compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on stabilizers or style of release. A sight shall have fixed-pin, cross-hair, or circle-style pins. MBR shooters may use a lens with no restrictions on magnification. If circle-style pins are used, all circles must be the same size. Sights may not be adjusted after entering the shooting course. MBR archers will shoot from the green stake.MaleGreen45
Female Bowhunter ReleaseFBRAdultA compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on stabilizers or style of release. A sight shall have a fixed pin, crosshair, or circle-style pins. FBR shooters may use a lens with no restrictions on magnification. If circle-style pins are used, all circles must be the same size. Sights may not be adjusted after entering the shooting course. FBR archers will shoot from the yellow stake.FemaleYellow35
Advanced Hunter ClassAHCAdultA compound, recurve, or longbow shot with or without sights. A sight shall have fixed pins, cross-hair, or circle-style pins. AHC archers may use a lens with no restrictions on magnification. If circle-style pins are used, all circles must be the same size. A sight may have a rear aperture, (i.e., peep sight or fixed rifle-type sight). Sights may not be adjusted after entering the shooting course. Arrows must have at least three (3) feathers or vanes no less than 2 inches long (measured minimum 1.75 inches). Stabilizers, Vbars, counterbalances, or weighted attachments may be attached to the bow as long as these items do not extend more than 12 inches from each point of attachment. (For the purposes of this rule, any device adding length or weight to the stabilizer shall be considered part of the stabilizer and shall be subject to the 12-inch rule. Unweighted vibration dampeners are not considered to be stabilizers; however, unweighted vibration dampeners attached to the stabilizer are measured as a part of the stabilizer and are subject to the 12-inch rule above. Equipment in this class may be shot with a finger tab, shooting glove, or release. AHC archers may use glue-in points. AHC archers shoot from the red stake.Red40
Female SeniorsFSR50 and olderFSR is an optional class for female archers 50 years of age or older. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. FSR archers will shoot from the red stake.FemaleRed40
Men’s Senior ClassMSR50 and olderMSR is an optional class for archers 50 years of age or older. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restrictions on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. MSR archers will shoot from the green stake.MaleGreen45
Masters ClassMCBH60 and olderMCBH is an optional class for archers 60 years of age or older. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. MCBH archers will shoot from the green stake.Green45
Senior Master ClassSMC70 and olderSMC is an optional class for archers 70 years of age or older. Equipment shall consist of a compound, recurve, or longbow shot with no restriction on sights, stabilizers, or style of release. SMC archers will shoot from the red stake.Red40
Traditional ClassesBare BowBBAdultA recurve or longbow shot with fingers directly contacting the bowstring using a glove, finger tab, or bare fingers. No sighting device of any kind may be used. A rest and plunger are all that may reside within the sight window of the bow. A clicker is allowed but must not be mounted in the sight window of the riser. There shall be NO markings on the bow or bowstring (intentional or accidental) that could be construed as sighting marks. All arrows shall be of the same material and be of uniform length and weight. String walking and face walking are permitted in the BB class. Weights may be added to the lower part of the riser. Weights, regardless of shape, must mount directly to the riser without rods, extensions, angular mounting connections, or shock-absorbing devices. The unstrung bow must pass completely through a hole or ring 12.2cm inside-diameter of + or – 0.5mm. BB archers will shoot from the orange stake.Orange30
LongbowLBAdultA one (1) or two (2) piece longbow shot with fingers directly contacting the bowstring using a glove, finger tab, or bare fingers, Archers may use up to two (2) nock locating devices, but they must use the same nocking point and anchor point for each shot and the index finger must contact the string in the same place for each shot. The index finger must touch the nock of the arrow. Face and/or string walking are not permitted. No sighting device of any kind may be used. There shall be no markings on the bow or bowstring (intentional or accidental) that could be construed as sighting marks. No type of draw check or clicker may be used. Arrows shall be made of wood and shall be identical in length, weight, and color (allowances shall be made for normal wear). Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the riser. LB archers will shoot from the white stake.
A longbow shot in LB shall conform to the following specifications:
  1. The bowstring, when the bow is strung, may only contact the nocks of the bow.
  2. No stabilizers, counterbalances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow; except a bow quiver clearly designed to hold arrows.
Senior TraditionalST60 and olderSenior Traditional is an optional class for archers 60 years or older. Equipment shall consist of a recurve shot with fingers directly contacting the bowstring using a glove, finger tab, or bare fingers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locating devices, but they must use the same nocking point and anchor point for each shot, and the index finger must contact the string in the same place for each shot. The index finger must touch the nock of the arrow. Face and/or string walking are not permitted. No sighting device of any kind may be used. There shall be no markings on the bow or bowstring (intentional or accidental) that could be construed as sighting marks. No type of draw check or clicker may be used. All arrows must be the same length and weight. Aluminum or carbon arrows must have screw-in points; wood arrows may have glue-on points. All arrows must have at least 8 inches of fletching. No counterbalances or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a single 12-inch stabilizer and a quiver clearly designed to hold arrows may be used. Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the riser only. An arrow side plate (if used) may only extend one (1) inch above the arrow. The shelf may be built up and the side plate may be built out with a hard material that has a minimal consistency of wood. The shelf and side plate may be covered with a softer material that is no thicker than 1/8 inch. ST archers will shoot from the white stake.White25
Female Bare BowFBBAdultArchers in this female-only class must use the same equipment as the Bare Bow Class (BB). FBB archers will shoot from the white stake.FemaleWhite25
TraditionalTRDAdultA recurve, longbow or ILF/DAS type riser being no longer than 21” (ILF/DAS type risers longer
than 21” will compete in Bare Bow – BB) shot with fingers directly contacting the bowstring using a glove, finger tab or bare fingers. Archers may use two (2) nock locating devices but must use the same nocking point and anchor point. Index finger must contact the nock of the arrow. No string walking or face walking. Arrows must be shot off the shelf. Shelf can only be built up ¼ of an inch and built out ¼ of an inch. No stabilizers, counterbalances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a quiver clearly designed to hold arrows may be used. No face or string walking. No markings on the bow or bow string (intentional or accidental) that could be considered sighting marks. Any type of arrow material can be used, but arrows must be uniform in color and length except normal wear and tear. Arrows must have at least 12 inches of FEATHER – no plastic or other material other than feather. Aluminum or carbon arrows must have screw-in points; wood arrows may have glue-on points. TRD archers must finish the range with the same arrows they started with. TRD archers will shoot from the white stake.
Fun ClassesKnown 50K50AdultOpen, rangefinder permittedMale or femaleBlue50